Pest Control Treatment

For Pre Construction Treatment:

The consumption stated in all the items is as per conc. Of 1% with water or kerosene as required for chemical 20 % E.C. Chlorophyripos.

  • Treating the bottom & sides (up to a height 300mm) of the excavation made for the masonry foundation & basement with solution of 20 % E.C. Chlorophyripos emulsion at the rate of 5 Lits. Per Sq. Meter of the surface area.
  • After masonry foundation & retaining wall of basement come up the back fill immediately in contact with foundation shall be treated with the solution of 20 % E.C. Chlorophyripos emulsion at the rate of 5 Lits. Per Sq. Meter of the vertical surface of the sub structure for each side.

The filling of earth is usually carried out in layers & the treatment shall be directed towards the concrete or masonry surface of the columns & walls so that the earth is in contact with the surface is well.

  • In case of RCC framed structure with columns & plinths beams & RCC basement the     treatment shall start at the depth of 50cms below ground level from this depth back fill around the column beams & RCC basement wall shall be treated at 20 % E.C. Chlorophyripos emulsion at the rate of 5 Lits. Per Sq. Meter of vertical surface.
  • Treating the earth along the external perimeter of the building by making the holes 15 cms apart up to a depth of 30 cms with 20 % E.C. Chlorophyripos emulsion at the rate of 5 Lits. Per Sq. Meter along the wall. After the treatment the earth shall be ctampted back into the place, the earth outside of the building should be graded on completion of building, this treatment shall be carried out on the completion on such grading. In event of filling being more than 30 cms the perimeter & treatment shall be extended to full depth of filling up to ground level so as to ensure continuity of the solution of 20 % E.C. Chlorophyripos barrier.

For Post Construction Termite Treatment:

The consumption stated in all the items is as per conc. Of 1% with water or kerosene as required for chemical 20 % E.C. Chlorophyripos.

Treating the junction of wall & floor at 45 Degree at the depth 100 to 150 mm & distance between two holes should be 150 mm. Rest of the specification will be as in regards to pre construction treatment in respect of chemical 20 % E.C. Chlorophyripos consumption. The holes shall be sealed with white or grey cement as it should be matched as per flooring.

For Treating Wood:

Treatment to wood work by solution of 20 % E.C. Chlorophyripos emulsion in oil or kerosene base including 65 mm diameter downward slanted hole 150 mm & plugging the same with cement mortar. The consumption of 20 % E.C. Chlorophyripos emulsion at the rate of 5 Lits. Per Sq. Meter.

For Carrying Out Wall Treatment for Termite Control in Affected Area:

The wall to be treated for termite control shall be cleaned thoroughly with necessary brushing the surface as directed & spray with solution 20 % E.C. Chlorophyripos emulsion at the rate of 5 Lits. Per Sq. Meter

General Technical Specification for Anti Termite Treatment:

  • Injecting vapour (solution 20 % E.C. Chlorophyripos) toxicants in the termite tubes & the affected portion of the wood work to destroy live termite hiding inside.
  • Drilling holes at the junction of the walls & floor 7 pumping toxicants through these holes to create a solution of 20 % E.C. Chlorophyripos barring to keep out termites at 30 cms. Distance & 10 to 15 cms Deep.
  • Drilling holes in selected portions of floor if feasible & pumping toxicant is to the soil below through these holes to create a solution of 20 % E.C. Chlorophyripos barrier below the floor which would prevent termite making & entry to the building as above (2).
  • Application of liberal blanket spray or brushing as necessary.
  • Treating the soil adjacent the plinths wall outside for  building with soil toxicant by mean of trenching, drilling & rodding as feasible.
  • The drilled holes are affectively sealed after the operation.

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